System Alert: We are in the middle of migrating hosting. Some resources may not reachable or have issues loading correctly.

ERROR: Unable to load bsnetflashpoint, Please contact a system administrator

ERROR: Unable to contact BSNETDIRECTORYSYNCSVC, Please contact a system administrator

Welcome to Balentine Secure Network

BSNET is a personal project. Any and all software are to be expected to have bugs. Use at your own risk.

Balentine Secure Network is the project of Preston Balentine focusing on providing and developing new secure methods of online services. These services may vary from online content delivery, communication, customer service systems, and more. With the growing amount of users online internet security has to take importance or else the possibliy to fall victim to the growing identity theft, scams, and other cyber security issues greatly increase.

What is this site for exactly?

This site is used for the showing, previewing, and developing of new secure ways of using the internet. The issue is only one developer is behind all projects that can be found on this site which means some projects are no longer being worked on or is slow on updates as other technologies that can't be published are explored.

*Balentine Secure Network directory services has been disabled as all resources are being restructured thoughout all production systems. This also means all project download links are currently not working as site mapping is in proccessed.*